Cirque du Canines
Cirque du Canines
Thursday, April 17, 2025 @ 7pm
Bringing the dog circus to the stage! High flying frisbee, box high jump, agility, hoop tricks, jump roping, dynamic routines to music, fantastic costumes, colorful props and so much more!
Cirque du Canines began in 2019 with the collaboration of former Ringling touring performer, Gail Mirabella, and longtime trick dog performer, Michelle Harrell. Sharing a vision for what a "Dog Circus" should look and feel like, Gail and Michelle combined their talents, their dogs and their ideas to create an exciting performance for the stage. Both believed that love, care, and positive reinforcement training were of the utmost importance. Their dogs are their family, their lives and the stars of the show.
Ticket Price - $20.00 [Adults] & $10.00 [Children 13 & under]