Coming Soon
Based on folklore, The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow revolves around school teacher Ichabod Crane who competes against Brom Bones, a local prankster farmer, for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel. One night, after a party, Crane heads home only to be followed by what he thinks is the legend of Sleepy Hollow, the Headless Horseman. The horseman throws an object at Crane, which knocks him off his horse. The next day, the townspeople look for Crane but cannot find him; all they find is a smashed pumpkin where Crane's hat lies.
Based on Italian folk tales of the Nativity and Epiphany, Gian Carlo Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors is a retelling of the story of the Magi from the point of view of young Amahl, a boy with disabilities, who lives in poverty with his widowed mother near Bethlehem. He sees a bright star in the sky one night and tells his mother to go look, but she brushes him off, buried in concern over their bleak future and lack of means with which to support themselves. That night, three kings come across their meager hut and seek shelter, for they have traveled long and far following the star of which Amahl had spoken. They bring with them treasure and gifts to give to “the Child” who has just been born and who will reign over all. Blinded by the lure of the gold and what it could do for her family. the Mother attempts to steal just a bit of the treasure, but is caught red-handed. What no one expects is a gift far greater than gold--blessed by the Child, Amahl finds himself suddenly cured.
With one actor and over 35 distinct characters, this one-man tour de force is an intimate and spirited evening of theatre that everyone in the family will love! Dickens’ famous story about selfishness and selflessness is stripped down to its bare essence, forgoing the usual opulence of the holidays and focusing on what is of utmost importance during the season. Dickens’ colorful characters are all present— Ebenezer Scrooge, Bob Cratchitt, Tiny Tim, Fezziwig, Belle, the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Future— springing to new life with a treasure trove of moral lessons for one and all. God bless us, everyone!